Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"Shame on YAHOO!" would do

Reporters without Borders proposes a really great, original and effective way to protest against those in the corporate IT sphere who colaborate, actuvley or passively support anti-democratic government politics like Yahoo, Google and MNS in China and all the orther "Internet Black Hole countries". At the protest site "24 Hours Against Internet Censorship" RWB tells you who to protest effectively against the black holes and sheeps in the web: It's easy!

First: join the campaign, vote against their activities in censored countries and show your anger.

record a voice message for let's say Jerry Yang and tell him what you think of his company's ACTIVE collaboration to jail web dissidents.

And last but not least: create your own
protester blog with RWB and boost the indepentent, non-censored news blogspere!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Forum ASIA en Casa Asia

Next week Casa Asia in Barcelona will host the 4th Asian Forum; I think the second day (14th of Nov.) is especially interesting. The first session is on Sustainable Energy with intervention by Olivia L. la O'Castillo (President of the Asian Pacific roundtable for sustainable consuption and production), Alfonso González Finat (Director of the new and renewable energy projects in Asia, European Commision or Christopher G. Zamora, Co-director of the ASEAN centre for Energy.

The second session treats the "Energy sector in the Asian Century". [more info]